Thursday, August 3, 2017

Final Reflection

The image to the left of the screen was me at the start of this semester. I was really nervous about being successful in this class, because of the fear that I had of the unkown. What if I wasn't able to master this new technolgy? What if no matter what I tried I couldn't produce the product that needed to be turned in? These were the kinds of questions that shot through my mind when I opened up the syllabus.

I had heard of many of the technologies, and even attended a few mini trainings on them. The difference here was that getting your feet wet was not enough, you actually had to dive in and use the technology to create a final product, and in most cases using more than one website.

 How had I suddenly become that evaluator offering reviews and bringing to light the positive and negatives of various technology. I was in the hot seat, and was nervouse about becoming proficient enough to post genuine information on my blog posts. As I got through the first weeks of assignment, I realized that becoming profiecient with technology was just like learning a new language. In order to master it, you had to submerge yourself in it, and use it as often as possible. 

As the weeks went on the fear that I had disappeared, and it was quickly replaced with excitment. I was on a quest to learn as much as I could from my assignment, and was actually enjoying them. I now understood why so many of my students are drawn to the world of technology, the possibilites are endless. I myself am pretty artsy crafty as they say, and love to create with my hands. Through the use of technolgy I had suddenly found a new medium to express myself with and it was wonderful! I was kicking myself for being so scared in past. I go back to the old saying that Education Is Power, which is exactly how I feel at the end of this course.The image below depicts how I now feel about technology. I feel confindent in my abilities, and realize that technology is always changing, so it is ok if you don't know everything.

Excited Me The Most:

The technology that excited my the most in this class was the section on videos and QR codes. I had always seen other teacher create awesome things, which they would usually precent at our PLC's or staff meeting. I always wondered how they did it, and now I know. Animoto is a fabulous tool that every teacher and librarian needs to utilize. It was so easy to use, and lends itself to many subject areas. I personally loved how adding simple images and a few notes here and ther could come together to form something that looked like it took hours to create. Creating QR codes were also fun, and I can see myself using them all over the place. The section on Flipagram, Instagram, and Screencast were also among my favorite. I particulary took a liking to Flipagram, I liked how you could add music and pictures that merged into something that many would enjoy. The best part about flipagram was how easy it was to use. It provided a turtorial for you and allowed you to dive right in. The images that you used were taken straight from your phone, which made it even easier than having to download them to you computer, or email them to yourself. I feel that many students and teachers will enjoy these new technologies as much as I did.

Most Difficult:

The most difficult thing for me to learn was Instagram, I know it sounds crazy, but I have not become as proficient as I would have liked in this area. Everyone around me seems to be posting pictures like crazy, and here I am asking my nephews to review things with me. I plan to play with it a lot more so that my proficiency level can increase. This is something kids today are using, and as an educator this is something that I can use to reach them. I think the fact that you can integrate flipagram into it will serve as a motivator for me. 

Most Beneficial:

I think that everything that we learned this semester will serve as great tools for both students and teachers. Below are some of the technologies that I believe will be most beneficial.
Animoto videos can be used in the classroom or library in a multitude of ways. Students can produce video summaries of what they read, or create a video that give the biography or autobiography of a person. Animoto vides could also be used to create book reviews, that will show case the collection in the library. The best thin about Animoto is that is can be used across all content areas and is very user friendly.
 Screencast area a hidden treasure, and will be useful to students as well as all professional staff. Teacher can use this in their classrooms and they gradually teach them to access different types of technology The librarian can use this as a platform to reach all levels of the school population. Screencast can be used for training, and an can be used to review what one has learned. This is a wonderful tool for those who are just discovering the wonders of technololgy.

I believe podcasts will benefit everyone who is involved in teaching. Teachers can give directions for assignment, librarians can host book talks, and they can be used by all to create book review. Podcasts are also a wonderful way to relay messages to parent. Instead of parent reading a text or email, they can actually listen to the teacher speak. The best part about podcasts is that they can be accessed by all. I found that Podomatic, SoundCloud, and Podbean worked best for the school setting, because the user interface was simplistic. 
Gone are the days of teachers writing URL addresses on the board in hopes that students will type it in correctly. QR codes will help alleviate a lot of the stress when it comes to exposing students to a new site, and help encourage the use of technology in the classroom. QR codes also help link students and profession staff to important information that they will be able to retrieve at the click of a button. I love QR codes because they are straight and to the point, and guide the user to what it is they need to know. 

Food For Thought:

I loved the article that our professor posted called Food For Thought, and belive that there is a lot of truth behind it. As librarians if we are to serve our patrons, we must first look at who they are and where they come from. What interests them, drives them, and motivates them. Many people tend to judge a book by its cover, but as a librarian we can not do that, we must serve everyone in the community regardles of race, age, socioeconomic status, and the list can go on and on. We must treat a digital immigrant the same way that we would treat a digital native. Will one  pose a greater challenge to the librarian versus the other, yes, but they all deserve the right to learn and be exposed to the tools that are part of the 21st century. Librarians will serve as adovocates for literacy and technology, and help empower others to take the leap. I believe all librarians should serve as the mediator and help people become connected. Like me, many never venture into this brave new world out of fear, but once emersed in it great things happen and a whole new world is available to them . We must help shape the leaders of tomorrow, and what better way than to be advocates for the tools that they will need, and to serve as the spring board through which students and professionals alike will acquire the knowledge that they need. 


Final Reflection

The image to the left of the screen was me at the start of this semester. I was really nervous about being successful in this class, beca...