Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Videos and QR Codes In The Library

Videos and QR codes in the library, now these two I am really excitied about. I have never used Animoto, but let me tell you, I am in love. What better way to get the love of reading across to your students, than through a movie trailer. QR codes are also great becasue they provide a direct link to the information you want your students to access. Gone are the days of putting websites up on the screen, in hopes that your students will key them in correctly. I am really digging this new technology, fear was definitely holding me back.  Below I have included the link to my Animoto Video, or you can scan the QR CODE that I have provided, and it will take you strainght to it. As you read, you will also come across some youtube channels that I think will provides an insight to video use in the library.


On this library site I came across a variety of video, but I chose the two above. I think that students would benefit greatly by learning how to use EBSCOHost, because it will help them with their research. Video 1 is the my choice for which video I thought students would like the most. It is a cute video that shows the schools mascot interacting with the student body at the library, which is socially appearling to all.

On this library site, I think the students will be drawn to Scenes From the Unquiet Libray, the title jumps right out at you. Students will like seeing the images that pop up of themselves or their friends. Again, this is something that will socially draw the students in. The video that I found to be the most useful is How to Export a Bibligraphic Data File from LRC to EasyBib. Citing ones sources correctly is so important, and any tool that can help student out is a blessing. Knowing how to export a bibliographic file is knowlege that will help students out through out their educational career.

Pikesville HS Library Channel:
Video 1: 2014-2015 Course Advisement
Video 2: The Panthers Library Shakes

On Pikesville HS Library channel, I think that the course advisement video would be the most helpful for students. It provides vital information that students need to navigate their high school careers. The Panthers Library Shakes video is one that I though would be the students' favorite. It has music, dancing, and the get to see themselves or their friends dancing up a storm. A lot of social appeal for sure.

BBMS Media Channel:
Video 1: Noodle Tools Creating Website Citation
Video 2: Don't Want To Be Overdue, Meghan Trainor Parody

I really liked this channel, and though that the kiddos were very creative. I am wondering if the overdue book parodies were a contest. The kiddoswent all out, so it was very hard for me to pick which video the students would like the best. I had to go with Don't Want To Be Overdue, Meghan Trainor Parody, it was awesome. I liked how she was able t video tape a student without them knowing that they were performing. This video also shows a variety of students, which is bound to create a social craze. The video that I found to be the most beneficial was Noodle Tools Creating Website Citations, something that not all students know how to do. Our reference sources are becoming more and more digitize as time goes by, that I think knowing how to cite a website is a vital skill that every student needs to acquire.

After researching these various YouTube Channels, I have come to the conclusion that videos have become a form of expression, that can greatly impact our perception. As humans we need the written and visual form to merge, so that we can reach the masses. YouTube Channels have become the perfect plantform for self expression, as well as the link to today's youth. As educators, it is our job to harness this tool, and use it to educate the youth of tomorrow. Videos go beyound pencil and paper, and allow the creator to master the concept and project its meaning onto others. The old adage still holds true today. If you can teach it to someone, then you have learned it.

I used ANIMOTo to create a book trailer for the book RULES. This book is about a girl names Catherine and her little brother David that is autistic. Catherine struggles to be normal in the midst of her brothers autism. She decided to create rules for david, in hopes of making her world as normal as possible. A new neighbor is moving in, a girl named Kristi, and Catherine is set on making a good impression, but her brother David is not making things easy for her. There is also a boy named Ryan, who happens to be really mean to Catherine and David, and she always finds herself defending David. One day Catherine goes to therapy with David and meets a boy named Jason. Jason is in a wheel chair, and communicates with words that are in a notebook. She becomes friends with Jason, and ends up making new words for his binder. These new words are meant to help Jason express himself in a whole new way. Jason is so excited to finally have a friend, taht he invites her to his birthday party. Since Catherine is always talking about Kristi and her brother David, Jason tells her that they are also invited. Catherine agrees to go, but says that Kristi can not go and David will go only at the end for cake. The day finally arrives, and Catherine decides to buy Jason a guitar as a birthday gift. At the party she is so excited to give him his gift, that she runs up to his room to find him. Jason musters up the nerve to ask Catherine to go to a dance with him, but this makes her very upset, and decided it is time to leave the party. Katherine has rules for her brother, and for herself. One of her rules is never to dance unless she is alone, or it is pitch black. Jason gets very upset that she does not  want to go with him, while Catherine struggles with her identity. She likes being Jason's friend, but doesn't want anyone to know, because he is different. She must decide weather to break her own rules and save her friendship, or be just like Ryan the bully. In the end Cahterine and Jason both apologize and end up talking things out. Kristi shows up with Ryan to the dance, and Catherine introduces them to Jason. Catherin breaks her rules, dances with Jason, and finally comes to terms with her life.

I feel that using videos in the library is a visual way to reach students, administrators, teachers, parents, and all patrons in general. A librarian can use a video to promote past and future activities. She can use videos to motivate students to read, maybe she can hold a book trailer competiton to encourage reading and the use of technology. Videos are also a wonderful way to promote the various types of reference resources that are available to students. There are plenty of resources that are in print and digital format that the students are not aware of, and a video is the perfect way to show case everything that is available.

Rules, Animoto Video QR Code
I used QR Droid to create the QR code above, and it was the easiest think ever. All I did was download the app and once it was loaded pressed create. The app then promted me to choose the type of QR code I wanted to create, and then I merely inserted the URL. I proceeded to email it to myself, and TA-DA! Just scan the code above, and it will take you to the book trailer I made RULES. 

Why Should You Use QR CODES

I love QR codes, I think they are extrememly usful to use if you are going to be working with children and technology. Students will not have to worry about keying in the URL, they can merely scan the code and go right to the information. I can forsee myself using these codes in my future library one day. I envision a digital reference wall that will have links to resources made available through the library. QR codes can also be used for book promotion and reviews. Students can find the next book they will read by easily scanning the codes to read up on books. There district that I currently work in provides IPADs for every child, so a QR code wall that provides links to all the apps that are available to them would be very useful. Students can scan the QR code of the app they want, and then download it onto their device. These codes are also a wonderful way to promote the library, and the various activities that take placeQR codes could be use to help students and parents access upcoming event through a calendar, or a photo gallery of past events. Most parent have smartphones, and it would be the perfect way to keep parents connected with their child. The possibilities for QR codes are endless, and I recommend that you try it out, if you haven't already. 


  1. I also think that the QR codes are great to use in the classroom because kids are always keying the wrong URL's; this way they just get right in without the extra time of retyping and trying to get right. I also feel that a book trailer is a great idea, I will definitely use it with my students this time around, maybe they can create one as an assignment.

  2. I love the idea of creating a QR code wall. I think it's a great way to promote the library around the entire campus, not just in the library. I think I might create my back to school bulletin board for the beginning of the year with QR codes to book trailers for those books that I put book covers out for.

  3. Kanie, I liked your QR video about rules. I hadn't thought about using QR codes with rules, but now I'm thinking of creating a scavenger hunt with different QR codes around my library. Nice, thank you for sharing this neat idea.


Final Reflection

The image to the left of the screen was me at the start of this semester. I was really nervous about being successful in this class, beca...