Saturday, July 8, 2017

Screencasts, Instagram, and Flipagram

     So I took a dive into these new technologies (new for me at least), and I am not going to lie, I felt like I was drowning at the start of my journey. Setting up the accounts was pretty easy, but navigating through them was a bit intimidating. Below you will find my reviews on Screencast-o-matic, Instagram, and Flipogram. You will also get a glimpse into my first attempts at using these three technologies, if I can just figure out how to add them to this blog!

I am not going to lie, this Screencast-O-matic really made me nervouse. I was not sure how to begin, but was put as ease when I saw that there was a tutorial available. I watched it, and then proceeded to make my own screencast. There are many options that you can choose from, but I being a digital immigrant went for the free one. After all we are test driving these new technologies. I chose record, and it asked me to download the program into my computer. After the program was installed, the rest was a breeze. The recording was simple, just like when you video tape something on your phone, and the user can clearly see what is going to come out on the video frame. I would definetly recommend this to anyone in the education department. It is a great way to train students on concepts that may be hard for them. The students can replay the videos at home while they are working on homework, so they can refresh their memory on the lessons that were taught that day. I will definetly be using this in my math class this year, and for the new technologies that I will be introducing in my classroom through out the year. Below you will find my attempt at creating my first screen cast. Please bear with me, I was a little

So I have discovered Flipagram, and I absolutely love it. I love to use IMovie and Windows Moviemaker, and this reminds me of it. I can foresee myself using this in the future a whole lot. Once I downloaded the app to my phone (android), I was a little lost, but found a quick tutorial video that was offered on the first screen that popped up once I was logged on. The video was very helpful, and it did not take very long to watch. Once the tutorial was done, I quickly uploaded some picture, rearranged them in the order that I wanted them in, and even added some music. To a digital newbie, this is so awesome. My creative genes are jumping for joy, can you tell I really like Flipagram. Below I your will find the URL to my first Flipogram Video.

I think Flipagram is a wonderful tool that can be used by everyone. As an educator I can see both teachers and students using it through out the year. Below is a short list of how Flipagram can be used in the classroom.

1. Students can make autobiographies of themselves, and use Flipagram to visually tell their story. They can also do this for any biography projects that they may have.

2. Teachers are always taking a million pictures, so this would be a good way to display the images. A video could be made for various class activities through out the year, great way to keep parent connected to what is going on in the classroom/library.

3.Flipogram also has a stop motion video option, and students could use this to show what they have learned, or to create a movie that depicts the story that they wrote in class.

Flipogram is so versatile with its uses, I recommend everyone get an account, and start exploring right away.

I have been an avid facebook user for the last couple of year, and there for have chosen never to venture in to the world of instagram until now. Getting the account for this site was easy enough, but then I was a little confused on how to get started. I quickly found the add button at the bottom of the screen, where the tool bar is located. It took me a screen that was very userfriendly, and I was able to upload pictures in know time. Instagram provides you with many stickers that you can use to edit your pictures, and give you the ability to add words to your images as well. I love that you can also upload videos from other sites, like movies you created on Flipagram to Instagram. They pop up on your screen like magic. I am kicking myself for not using it sooner, my world is definitely getting bigger with all this new technology.

As an educator I am always focused on the uses of a particular technology in the classroom. Instgram can be used to showcase the activities that are happening in classs. As a future librarian, I can foresee myself using Instagram to promote reccommendations and review. Instagram would also be a wonderful way to promote bookfairs and various activities that would be happening with in the school and community. Like facebook, Instagram would be a great way to keep parents connected to the activities their child is involved in.

Here is the link to my first Instagram Post : Love Them To The Moon and Back

1 comment:

  1. Emaze is a great resource that students will like to use to display information with others. I agree that Instagram is a great app to use in book advisory. I think students could take a quick selfie with a book they choose. I like that you can link both Instagram and Flipagram to your Facebook page. Which allows a larger audience to see the post and cuts down on the time of managing multiple apps to communicate what is happening in the library and classroom.


Final Reflection

The image to the left of the screen was me at the start of this semester. I was really nervous about being successful in this class, beca...